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2. Pudgal (Matter)

  • Matter is all the physicality we see around us. Anything and Everything that we can "perceive" by senses (eyes, touch etc.) or by scientific instrument, practical studies etc. fall under the Existent "Matter" (Pudgal).

  • Matter is considered as the entity that exihibits various properties such as "touchability", "taste", "odour" and "color" etc. in varying intensity levels.

  • The smallest indivisble part of Matter is called "Atom" (Ultimate Particle) or "Parmanu". All the material objects are made up of this fundamental unit. Important to note that "Ultimate Particle" is not the presently discovered Atom by modern science. "Parmanu" has the size in order of 10^(-infinity).

  • There is seperate mathematics and physics for the bondings, transition, subatomic types etc. in Jainism Karnanuyog scriptures (Gommatsara Jeevkand, Shatkhandagam, Dhavala etc.) for explaining Matter.

Let us take a glimpse what does Matter include:

  1. Ultimate Particle and Karmons
  2. Karmic Particles
  3. Sound, Heat, Air (in particle/wave form)
  4. Light and Shadow (photons as per modern science)
  5. Liquid and Gaseous States
  6. Solid States
  • Important to note that all the energy such as kinetic, potential, thermal, different waves etc. are included in Matter only. In short, everything we perceive by senses in any form in the Universe, is just Matter!